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Time is force that can be used if we remember that it is not affecting who we really are nor is it affecting our soul. Can you get quiet enough to feel the parts of you that have not changed? Can you get quite enough to rediscover the sparks of divinity that have always lived inside you?
Karma action everything you do returns to you
V karma acting with complete disregard for anyone but yourself the lowest level of activity
Karma Kanda giving out just to receive something in return
Yugas time periods that are thousands of years old
"That Thou Art" - meaning the essence of your being is one with the universal consciousness, essentially signifying "you are that" or "you are one with everything."
In Yoga you are Sat eternal our soul has always been
Chit full of knowledge
Ananda blissful Soul and Sanskrit is often referred to as Jiva atman purusha and drastuh
Pursha (pursha) that which is eternal and forever pure and without trouble,
Adhi Pursha the original enjoyer the Divine energy
Prakrit matter everything besides purusha is matter meaning temporary including our thoughts
We want to be PURUSHA by overcoming the ego mind /matter
Samskaras how the mind works, anything that makes an impression of our mind (i.e taste smell anything we experience through our senses)
What are some of samskaras are you putting in your mind?
What impressions are saying present in your mind?
To carry your cross, means to fully put your trust in God amid the storms and battles in your life. It means that although you may be in an extremely difficult or painful situation, you always trust that God is with you in the midst of your suffering.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Reclaiming the parts of ourselves we denied or ignored by owning the parts we're not proud of and accepting them makes us feel more whole. When we are aware of something it no longer has the same kind of power to control us, we are free and healed.
Consciously Coordinating your thoughts to the correspondence of the universe's energy in balance of nature divine law. Can help you learn to stay centered and keep inner peace. Giving you a sense of calm, and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health.
Shadow work involves working with your unconscious mind to uncover the parts of yourself that you repress and hide from yourself. This can include trauma or parts of your personality that you subconsciously consider undesirable the understanding of pass life karma.
You will learn about your soul’s path; and energy so you can understand the repeating patterns in your life, rediscover your strengths, lesson to learn, and come to a deeper understanding of yourself and life.
Consciously Coordinating can channel synchronicity frequency, the ability to observe and connect to the present moment. Research shows that positive thinking can rewire your brain, changing the way you feel about things.
Researchers have also found that vibrations and the electromagnetic energy associated with them cause changes in your cells, which can then affect how your body functions. Different molecules vibrate at different rates — and those rates can speed up or slow down if conditions around the molecules change.
Thoughts are electric and feelings are magnetic, our thoughts and feelings all have frequency, just like sound and light, radio or ultraviolet waves, a thought vibrates through the mind and whether we're aware of it or not, our thinking manifests into reality.
Meditation is practiced in numerous religious traditions. Affirmative prayer is a form of prayer or a metaphysical technique that is focused on a positive outcome rather than a negative situation.
Through sound light energy or gentle touch. Dedicated to building healthy relationships internally and externally.
The Holy Science of the Source between the unmanifest and the manifest side of creation.
We are electric magnetic the sun is electric the Earth is magnetic we are electromagnetic if we don't pray if we don't meditate the connection between heaven and Earth becomes disconnected
Every morning the sun rises between 4:00 and 6:00 a.m. in the east. The house of Aries the head there's an alkaline liquid energy chemical reaction that creates all things.
This melatonin chemical Divine substance that connects all. Divine meditation in the early day time allows you to connect to the Divine.
The Lord created you in his image.
The Lord is light.
Pranayama Ase'
Every day is a new day a beautiful day new possibilities and opportunities coming your way let go of anything from the past that weighs you down. You don't need it anymore each day is a chance to start anew LET LOVE IN start today with a fresh mind and a light heart you have the power to shape your day in any way you desire.
It is easy, given the distance between us and the planets we view in the sky to assume they are disconnected bodies of energy moving in a measurable and predictable way, but throughout time we have come to understood how connected we truly are to the planets around us and how we can interpret those connections to help us in our lives. Each zodiac is governed by a planet that is made up of the 5 elements. That which the 5 makes up spirt.
Mediation between the macrocosms and the microcosm, heaven and earth, the divine and the individual. The Great Work is nothing less than the achievement of godhood-union with the divine -using the three pillars of alchemy, magick and astrology.
Meditation, as a spiritual practice, is more about working with the mind and training in awareness. Simply working with the mind leads to an improved sense of presence, calm, attentiveness, and an increase in valued human qualities such as empathy and patience.
Most of us know about the benefits of ancient practices but by having a deeper understanding of the power behind them can Inspire us to take action and create.
Channeling Reiki energy to times in the past can bring relief and remove any blockages that may be affecting you now.
You can Channel Reiki to a single moment in time or period of time. to balance your karma.
The ability to channel healing back in time set and clear tensions from past experience you want to focus on that moment during a Reiki session.
Use the self-treatment hand positions as a guide along with your intuition when treating yourself I usually spend about three to five minutes per hand position, but you can do it for however long you feel it needs if you don't know where to start placing your hands over your heart and then other on your stomach is the great beginning.
When this Chakra is balanced, we feel secure and worry less about things in our daily lives. There is a feeling of flow in our lives and inner stillness. We feel both confident and connected to everything and everyone around us.
The energetic associations for the Root Chakra include safety, survival, money issues, food issues, and feeling grounded. It is associated with our basic needs as a human being.
Base of the spine
Associated Body Parts
The body parts and organs associated with the Root Chakra is the adrenal glands.
Root chakra is responsible for strengthening ties with the material world. Through it the energy of the universe enters terrestrial layers through the root chakra all living things are connected to the Earth from which in fact the birth and development of all of us depends.
Emotional Imbalances
• Insecurity
• Lacking confidence to grow
• Anxiety
• Afraid to try new things
• Worry over basic needs such as food and money
• Feeling disconnected to ourselves and others
• Not feeling secure
Physical Ailments
• Bladder issues
• Prostate issues
• Lower leg pain or injury
• Kidney pain or issues
• Foot injury or pain
• Circulatory issues
To heal the Root Chakra, consider eating more root vegetables. Root vegetables are vegetables that grow in the ground - absorbing healthy and healing nutrients from the earth. Eating natural foods from the earth also help to ground and reconnect us with the earth. Some common root vegetables are; carrots, squash, turnips, ginger, beets, radishes, onions, yams, sweet potatoes, and fennel.
When this Chakra is balanced, we feel optimally creative and fully enjoy our lives. Our sexual health and sexual relationships are healthy and joyful experiences for us. We are at an optimal healthy weight for ourselves and feel energetic. The energetic associations for the Sacral Chakra are sexuality, weight, creativity, pleasure, and enjoyment.
Pelvic area
Associated Body Parts
The body parts and organs associated with the Sacral Chakra are the reproductive organs.
Sacral chakra is where sexual energy is concentrated, one of the main functions of the sacral chakra is awareness of another person.
The sacral chakra is believed to be located below the navel, where the perineum is.
Emotional Imbalances
• Sexual dysfunctions
• Low self esteem
• Lack of creativity
• Loss of joy
• Dysfunction in our relationship to others
• Lack of motivation
Physical Ailments
• Reproductive organ dysfunctions
• Painful PMS systems
• Fatigue
• Urinary illnesses
• Lower back pain
• Constipation
• Infertility
• Hip pain or injury
The Sacral Chakra is associated with the color orange. Consider eating nutrient rich and natural orange color vegetables and fruits to heal this chakra. Orange vegetables typically have high levels of Vitamin C and A; both nourishing and essential vitamins for a healthy balanced diet. Some foods you could consider including in your diet are; oranges, apricots, bell peppers, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, mangoes, and papaya. Because the Sacral chakra is also associated with the water element; drink lots of health fluids such as water, natural vegetable and fruit juices. Eat healthy fish for protein and omega 3's. If you are a vegetarian, you can get your protein from plant sources such as lentil, legumes, or tofu. Take an omega 3 supplement or other natural sources of omega 3 that include; walnuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and flax seeds.
When this Chakra is balanced, we feel confident, driven, and passionate. We feel strong and able to positively work to achieve goals in our lives. The energetic associations for the Solar Plexus Chakra include self-worth, self-esteem, power, a confidence.
Upper abdomen, above the navel
Associated Body Parts
The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with our digestive system.
Solar plexus chakra personifies the personal sun of every person solar chakra helps a person develop both mentally and spiritually it conveys the emotions that arise us to the universe it is the chakra that is responsible for the dependent of persons ability to lead people control the flow of the Inner Strength
Emotional Imbalances
• Lacking self confidence
• Negative self-image
• Lack of willpower
• Overly competitive
Physical Ailments
• Weak or poor digestion
• Ulcers
• Eating disorders
• Over or under weight
• Liver issues
• Adrenal dysfunctions
• Diabetes
The Solar Plexus is associated with the color yellow and a healthy digestive system. Some yellow colored nutritious foods that heal this chakra are; grains, yellow legumes, corn, bananas, yellow peppers, lemons, golden apples, yellow pears, squash, rice, and oats. Eating probiotics on a daily basis is a great way to heal your digestive system for this chakra. Some natural sources of probiotics are; yogurt, kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, and miso. Certain spices are also powerful in healing the gut and digestive system. Cook with spices such as turmeric, ginger, cumin, and coriander to nourish this chakra.
When this Chakra is balanced, we feel love and compassion for ourselves and others around us. We give and receive love easily. We are generous and all of our relationships flourish. The energetic associations for the Heart Chakra include love, compassion, giving, gratitude, joy, empathy, and relationships.
Heart area
Associated Body Parts
The associated body parts and organs for the Heart Chakra include the heart, circulatory system, lungs, and immune system.
The heart chakra is special because it is the fourth of the seven chakras, making it the exact halfway point of the system and the unifier of the physical and spiritual chakras.
The heart chakra is the source of love for people caring for them, manifestations of compassion her condition depends on her faithfulness and ability to heal other people it helps us on and intuitive level to feel people adjust to their frequencies if necessary thanks to it we can feel every person at once on all levels.
Emotional Imbalances
• Dysfunction in relationships
• Loneliness
• Jealousy
• Antisocial
• Holding grudges
• Lack of self-love
• Lack of empathy
• Lack of compassion towards others
Physical Ailments
• Asthma
• Bronchitis
• Lung issues
• Heart issues
• Pneumonia
• Tightness in chest
• Shoulder issues or injuries
To nourish the Heart Chakra, eat lots of nutritious green vegetables and fruits. Some green vegetables you could include in your diet are; kale, spinach, collard greens, green beans, lettuce. broccoli, brussels sprouts, green peas, leeks, green peppers, jalapenos, arugula, cauliflower, and cabbage. Green health fruits to add to your diet include; lime, green apples, avocado, kiwi, honeydew, melon. Drink lots of water and green tea to help boost your immune system and keep your body hydrated.
When this Chakra is balanced, we can communicate and listen to others easily. We are confident in our speech and can express ourselves easily. We speak honestly and from the heart. The energetic associations for the Throat Chakra include expression, communication, listening, self-expression, and manifestation.
Associated Body Parts
This Chakra is associated with the thyroid.
The throat chakra helps us express everything that happens inside of us if not for her all emotions and feelings would remain locked in our hearts.
Thanks to the throat chakra we are capable of laughing, crying, expressing Joy and falling in love.
Emotional Imbalances
• Inability to express oneself
• Communication issues
• Suppressing emotions
• Inability to listen to others
• Gossiping or speaking ill of others
Physical Ailments
• Laryngitis
• Neck pain
• Thyroid dysfunctions
• Teeth health
• Sore throat
• Asthma
• Jaw pain
• Upper respiratory infections
To nourish the Throat Chakra, consider the following nutritious foods to add to your diet; blueberries, elderberries, licorice, blackberries, grapes, and plums. Focus on increasing your liquid intake; drinking lots of herbal teas, water, and soups to nourish your throat. Consider drinking an herbal blueberry tea or making a blueberry smoothie with your favorite fruits.
When this Chakra is balanced, we are more open to learning and understanding from our life experiences. We are open to inner guidance and to inspiration around us. We trust our inner voice and that we are always being guided. The energetic associations for the Third Eye Chakra are wisdom, self-awareness, imagination, and thoughts.
Between the eyebrows
Associated Body Parts
The Third Eye Chakra is connected to the endocrine system.
The third eye chakra helps a person develop a conscious perception of the surrounding world she obeys the mind and memory thanks to the third eye chakra a person can go to his subconscious listen to intuitive feelings it helps understand the clues of the universe and response correctly to her nonverbal message.
Emotional Imbalances
• Unable to set or follow through with goals
• Inability to see the big picture
• Lack of imagination
• Lack of focus
• Close minded thinking
Physical Ailments
• Sinusitis
• Eye Strain
• Headaches
• Vision Issues
• Anxiety
• Mental fatigue
To nourish your Third Eye Chakra, consider nutritious foods that are purple in color such as; prunes, beets, grapes, purple kale, purple cabbage, blackberries, and eggplant. Eat lots of antioxidant and omega 3 rich foods to boost your mental and brain health such as nuts, fish, flax seeds, chia seeds, coconut oil, and other healthy fats. Other antioxidants to include are dark chocolate and green tea.
When the Crown Chakra is in balance, we feel at peace with everything in our lives and connected to all. Our faith in the Universe or a Higher Power is strong, and we feel divinely guided. We feel a sense of love and light in our being and it radiates out to others around us. The energetic associations for the Crown Chakra include inner peace, intuition, and connection to life, the Universe or a Higher Power
Sanskrit Meaning
"Thousand petals"
Violet and White
Crown of the head
Associated Body Parts
The Crown Chakra is associated with the central nervous sytem and pineal gland.
Crown chakra refers to the center of the Perfection of Consciousness It is believed that there is an Infinity Storehouse of knowledge that can be constantly developed, and the crown chakra is a symbol of Enlightenment and a visible connection with the universe that exists and the higher levels of spiritual consciousness.
Emotional Imbalances
• Feeling disconnected to ourselves and others
• Depression
• Worry
• Stress
• Apathy
• Feeling isolated
• Feeling spiritually disconnected
Physical Ailments
• Headaches
• Migraines
• Neurological disorders
• Insomnia
• Fatigue
• Personality disorders
• Alzheimer's
• Thyroid disorders
• Brain tumors
• Pineal gland disorders
The Crown Chakra is the highest and most spiritual chakra. Light foods can be used to nourish this chakra. Consider healthy intermittent fasting which allows us to gain more mental clarity and clear out toxins in the body. Drinking lots of water, herbal teas, and healthy broths are also good for healing this chakra.
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